Entries by sbrasch@fsmb.rwth-aachen.de

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Overall bulk order

Just in time for the first time we have started another collective order for coveralls. As with the last collective order you have the chance to order an overall for […]


19. Student Board Meeting 19.10.20

Hey Maschi! We invite you to the 19th meeting of the student representatives on Monday, 19.10. at 19:00 hrs. You can participate in the online conference with this inventation link. […]

Preparation of the budget 20/21

Hey Maschi, if you are interested in the student body’s funds and how they are spent, and you might even want to get actively involved in the planning process, why […]

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Overall Bulk Purchase

We have again started a collective order for coveralls. As with the last collective order you have the chance to order an overall for 17 Euro. The overalls should arrive […]


18. Student Board Meeting 29.09.20

Hey Maschi! We invite you to the 18th meeting of the student representatives on Tuesday, 29.09. at 18:00 hrs. You can participate in the online conference with this inventation link. […]