
Status 12.20.2020 According to our current state of knowledge, the following exams are written on the dates listed below:

Fahrzeugtechnik I: 14.02.2020

Grundoperationen der Energietechnik: 25.02.2020

Faserstoffe I: 27.02.2020

Höhere Regelungstechnik: 10.03.2020

Mechanik I WI WP, Werkstoffing, TK und Lehramt: 13.03.2020 (lecture hall booking still open)

Produktionsmanagement I & II and Production Management A & B: 23.03.2020 von 8:30 – 14:00 (one after the other)

Check your mails and Moodle what your institutes have written! RWTHonline is not able to send update mails at the moment. If there should be any overlaps or other problems, please contact us or the AStA!

Status 13.02.2020 Frequently asked questions and answers from the legal department:

1. what must be taken into account with regard to a non overlapping alternative date for an examination in question? – The same aspects should be taken into account as for regular exam scheduling. This means that private plans of students (e.g. holidays) cannot be considered. It is sufficient to plan an alternative date for the registered students without overlapping.

2. may students who were not registered for the examination on 10.02. participate in the examination on the alternative date? – In accordance with § 6 Paragraph 3 S. 2 of the ÜPO, participation in the examination requires a corresponding registration. Once the registration phase is over, no further students can register for the alternate date and therefore cannot take part in the examination.

3. when can the earliest alternative date for an affected examination be scheduled? Is there a time regulation regarding communication with students? – We urgently recommend that you adhere to a lead time of at least three working days in order to enable students to cancel an examination without giving reasons in accordance with § 15, paragraph 1, sentence 1 ÜPO. We also recommend that you coordinate the time schedule and communication with the respective student council.

4. may the interval of four weeks between the first and second exam be reduced? – Yes, but it must be ensured that timely registration for teh second exam is still possible. Please also note that, according to § 10 Paragraph 7 S. 3 ÜPO, the reults of the examination mark must be available at least ten days before the second examination.

5. how to inform students of the alternative date? – A good and quick way to reach the affected students is to send them an e-mail. Please note that although RWTHonline has the option “Notification of date change” and a dialog box for sending an e-mail when moving the date to a future date, no e-mail is currently sent to the registered students.

6. in case of doubt, is it permissible to set an alternative date in April for an affected examination? – Yes, provided that this does not conflict with courses. The results of the examinations must be entered by the end of April (cf. § 10 Paragraph 7 S. 6 ÜPO).

Status 11.02.2020: We work closely with the faculty and the teams exam coordination to give you the best possible solution. We hope to be able to give you final dates for the exams tomorrow. The feedback loop between the faculty, room booking, exam planning team and us is still ongoing. The idea is to catch up on the exams over the next weeks. Overlaps with other exams can unfortunately not be prevented. If you are not able to take the exam, or if you have a deadline, please contact us, the AStA or the institute directly. RWTHonline is currently having problems sending e-mails about updated dates, so please check Moodle and the institute’s website regularly. If there are any uncertainties please contact us! As soon as there is something new, we will inform you! Good luck for further learning!