Master’s Thesis: Investigation of Plain Bearing Systems with Textured Shafts

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The Institute for Machine Elements and Systems Engineering researches the fundamental structural and tribological behavior of machine elements and represents this in experimentally validated model descriptions. These model descriptions are used to analyze and design the functional, loss, and noise behavior of entire technical systems with a focus on drive technology. The developed models also serve to research and develop methods of Model-Based Systems Engineering as a central element of future industrial product development processes.
As part of the DFG project on the tribological analysis of textured plain bearing systems, a master’s thesis is being offered. This project focuses on reducing friction and wear in plain bearing systems, such as those used in wind turbines and internal combustion engines. Special attention is given to surface texturing, which can contribute to resource-efficient design of machines and plants.

This master’s thesis is dedicated to the in-depth investigation of plain bearing systems that utilize textured shafts. The aim of the work is to analyze the tribological effects of shaft texturing on the performance and efficiency of plain bearing systems. By applying various texturing techniques such as Direct Laser Writing (DLW) and Direct Laser Interference Patterning (DLIP), the surfaces of the shafts are modified to optimize their interaction with the plain bearings.


  • Analysis of the isolated effects of different texturing on shaft surfaces
  • Evaluation of the interactions between textured shafts and plain bearings
  • Analysis of micro-conformity and wear patterns
  • Evaluation and documentation of results


  • I ndependent and reliable working style
  • Interest in drive technology and interdisciplinary issues

We offer:

  • Currently relevant and future-oriented problem statement
  • Flexible design of work focus areas
  • Intensive supervision
  • Prompt processing possibility and pleasant working environment
  • Immediate start or by arrangement


Auf deine aussagekräftige Bewerbung per E-Mail freut sich:

Benjamin Klinghart, M. Sc.
Institut für Maschinenelemente und Systementwicklung

Schinkelstraße 10, 52062 Aachen

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